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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Make your Life Counts

Life here is short or long for some people. Make our lives count and leave a legacy to benefit mankind. But at the same time, don't let toxic people suck the life out of you. Toxic people can come in the form of relatives, family, friends, etc. Just ignore them and stay away. The important thing is how you see yourself, not how others see you. Don't let the devil hoodwink you into mixing with a bad obnoxious company that pulls you down instead of lifting you up. My dad is one such person who always encourages and teaches patiently while I was a kid. I know he's a good man, though we may be at loggerheads at times. He is now in heaven with Jesus, no more pain, suffering, neglect by spouse, etc. I love you dad.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Down with Flu

2 days ago, I was down with the flu and saw an Indian doctor for consultation and medication. The total cost me $45 and I guess I have been working too hard at the expense of my body, not enough sleep. I am still sick but love to blog and update a few of them to monetize these blogs. I have a sore throat, running nose and cough with phlegm. Today is Labour day and it is a holiday here in Malaysia. Therefore, I shall take the opportunity to sleep in today so that my flu will recover faster You cannot take a chance at your health. By the way, mum and youngest sister will clean the tombstones and pull out the weeds of my granny and grandpa this morning.

Friday, April 26, 2019


I just came back from watching Avengers: Endgame when I log on to the computer and check AX ALLIANCE - UNITING FINANCE. The purpose is to furnish their financial specialists with an incredible opportunity for their assets, dealing with FOREX on the market effectively. Basically, I had joined this site 6 months ago with USD 200 deposit. The amount of fund I received was 15% more than the initial investment, which is pretty good.

I am conservative and this works well for me. To me, I don't wish to invest too much of my hard-earned money to see it gone in other bad investments. If you like to enjoy financial freedom, you can join this site and see what it offers as a member. The e-currencies accepted are Perfect Money, Payeer, and Bitcoin.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Lucky Colors to Wear Based on Your Zodiac

I was browsing the internet this morning after waking up and came across an interesting site >> Lucky Colors to Wear Based on Your Zodiac. Here is my summary: For some people who believe in Feng Shui, the colors that they wear mean a lot for the month. You can refer to the Paht Chee of the chart for 2019. It refers to your animal or zodiac sign you were born under or what your personalized chart says.

For instance, dragon cushion covers are usually red and weaved or embroidered in yellow threads. There are 5 elements like metal, earth, wood, fire, and water. You can refer to the chart as shown below:

Well the above picture summarizes everything.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

MATTA Fair 2019

This afternoon, I went to MATTA fair to check out tours especially local ones since my spouse does not have a passport yet. Well, he did receive a letter stating that he will get back his passport in due time. So, I was not too keen on overseas tours until he gets back his passport. There were cruises, Nordic tours to see the beautiful green light at night, whatever you call it - aurora. Wikipedia defines Aurora as such - An aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae), sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights (aurora borealis), southern lights (aurora australis), is natural light. Well, one of these days, I am going to see this magnificent magic in the nordic pole when I retire.

Friday, March 29, 2019

GMAT Vocabulary - PrepChief.com

I just took a test at this site GMAT Vocabulary or CAT Vocabulary and got a score of 4 out of 5. Not too bad for someone with a B3 in English 1119 and General Paper. If you are preparing for tests like IELTS, TOEFL, etc, then this is the site to help you prep up your vocabulary and English to apply for overseas universities. Well, basically, you need to know the fundamental English words to proceed with your undergraduate application for overseas universities. When you do assignments, you need to read the instructions in English and need to know the basic language in order to communicate. Eventually, you have to pass and graduate to ace the interview in English and work with your colleagues and understand your work requirements. Hence, do check out the site for more information.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Blogging takes patience

Blogging on a consistent basis takes much patience before you reap the fruits of your labor. It is not an overnight success. I had also decided to change the domain of some of my blog for security. I don't like prying eyes to check and stalk me due to my lifestyle and association with a person of 'interests.' If possible, I would like to be independent and be financially free from debts. Robert Kiyosaki, in his book, wrote that Apple is buying 1 million robots to replace 3 million workers in China. Yes, our jobs are becoming obsolete from accountants to secretaries and even doctors. So, in the meantime, reap while the sun shines before it is too late.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

May you be reunited with Jesus in Heaven, DAD.

Goodbye, DAD. I guess our Maker has called you home so that you don't have to suffer the pains of surgery and being put in a nursing home anymore. I'm sorry dad, I could not let you stay with me as Richard will not allow it since we travel too often for business, almost once per week or every fortnight and we have a cramped place to push your wheelchair around. There's no proper dining for you either as the dining table is full of Richard's things of stuff. I regretted being impatient with you during the 2 days before your passing since it was hard for us sisters, youngest one and myself to prop you up to the toilet to change your soiled pampas. Yes, I know, you are now totally dependent on us and cannot walk unaided for a long time. You needed a walker or a wheelchair. I could see your legs were trembling, struggling to stand up, but youngest one said it was an 'ACT'. It was very cruel of us to believe this and it was true you could not stand anymore on your own.

You came several times to help me furnish the condo and drove me, yet the irony is that you don't have the opportunity to stay with me. Instead, a very noisy and hyperactive Pomeranian is the 'owner' and a spoilt brat in the condo!!! Dad, had I known you were really so miserable in a nursing home with your roommate fondling the maids and getting paid, I would have forced my spouse to allow you to stay with us since mum literally washed her hands off you.

Dozens, if not hundreds of your church parishioners came to attend your funeral at The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. They wanted to pay their last respects to you, for being so friendly and helpful to everyone in need. From a church photographer to lector to coordinator and volunteer at Little Sisters of the Poor, you excelled in them all. Thank you for giving me life and being my dad, despite the occasional awkwardness and disputes. This is a tribute to you for doing the best you could as a Father. Thank you, Daddy! May God's perpetual light shine upon your departed soul and may you now be with Jesus and Mother Mary.

You now have a mansion in heaven; instead of a double-storey terrace house that is full of rubbish and still piling up, no thanks to mum. But we shall take care of her despite her faults since you chose to marry her and loved her. We shall see her in your eyes of love and overlook the faults.