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Saturday, April 20, 2019

Lucky Colors to Wear Based on Your Zodiac

I was browsing the internet this morning after waking up and came across an interesting site >> Lucky Colors to Wear Based on Your Zodiac. Here is my summary: For some people who believe in Feng Shui, the colors that they wear mean a lot for the month. You can refer to the Paht Chee of the chart for 2019. It refers to your animal or zodiac sign you were born under or what your personalized chart says.

For instance, dragon cushion covers are usually red and weaved or embroidered in yellow threads. There are 5 elements like metal, earth, wood, fire, and water. You can refer to the chart as shown below:

Well the above picture summarizes everything.

1 comment:

  1. You can check out >> The World of Feng Shui and click on the link to find out more information.

    Personally, I am a Christian, so I believe in my God. But for those who believe in elements, and such, then this might be the link for you to read more if you are curious >> The World of Feng Shui

    Some people believe in luck and the world elements, while others believe in faith. Hence, whatever your beliefs, just check out The World of Feng Shui
