/* Magenet Universal Plugin code */ Small Office Home Office: May 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

A New Dawn Starts

Congratulations to Pakatan Harapan, helmed by Dr. Mahathir as the Prime Minister. No party is perfect, but PH is more people centered than self-centered in the previous administration under Najib. Both he and his wife Rosmah had been blacklisted from travelling. There was a private jet from Indonesia that tried to help them to escape from their many sins. I don't want to be judgemental, but you reap what you sow. You cause racial tensions and your dad caused racial riots on May 13,1969 will come back to haunt you. Even Altantuya case remains unsolved, but apparently her dad was paid off to keep his silence. This was the ex-regime that was oppressive, tax the people heavily in order to live lavishly with matching shoes, handbags and clothes of each colour daily. All paid by taxpayers' money.